Saturday, October 23, 2010

kid quotes of the week

Yesterday - Bedtime wasn't going good. Finally Nick at least was staying in his room playing with trucks so we just left him alone. We were watching tv and heard the door open. Phil said "You better get back in your room." Nick said "I am in my room! But my head is not and neither is my face."

Also yesterday - Makenzie was throwing a fit cause she wanted to go drop something off at a friend's with me. She'd been a pain the 2hrs prior so I just wanted a break. Told her to stay home with daddy. After arguing for a few minutes she spouts off with "It's not fair that Makayla gets to go and I don't!!" I didn't laugh at the time, but did later. I was just thinking...Really?! She's so desperate that she's gotta complain about a baby that's not even born yet?! wow...

oh man...there was one more great one from this week and now I can't remember what it was. Maybe I'll remember later.

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22nd

Well, haven't written too much on here lately... need to play catch up, but first here's the quote of the day...
Nick's supposed to be in bed or at least in his room. We hear him open the door to come out. Phil says "You better get back in your room." Nick says "I am in my room! But my head is not and neither is my face." I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't laugh out loud. It was too funny!!

Well, Phil lost his job a little over 2wks ago. It totally wasn't expected, however we feel okay about it so far. We feel like God is in control here and it will all be fine. We found out that we lost insurance the same day as he lost his job, so with a baby due in a few weeks that is somewhat concerning. We applied for state assistance immediately as well as unemployment. Hopefully that will all be accepted and we'll be okay. In the mean time we are enjoying having Phil home. He's really helped me to get this house in shape and ready for a baby. He's spending lots of time with the kids. We are all enjoying our time together!!! Just waiting to see where God takes us from here.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

men & kids

This is copied off of my facebook page...don't know why it's coming through looking so wierd...

Megan Wiley-Rowe Ready for quiet time. Don't know how many times I reminded my 3 kids that we don't throw in the house. And yes, I'm including the big one in that count :)

Lori Benner Bauer LOL!! 3 hours ago ·

Megan Wiley-Rowe Lori, I about lost it right before bedtime. Nick threw something and right as I started to remind him about no throwing a little yellow ball comes flying out of the kitchen and hits him on the back. Guess who threw it...Couple min later here comes Makenzie throwing something. I called all three to stand in front of me and tell me the house rules. You should have seen the look on Phil's face! Sometimes I think guys just have kids so they can act like one themselves in their spare time. 2 hours ago ·

Megan Wiley-Rowe Just talked to Phil about this earlier incident and this is what he had to say when I told him my version..."NO! I hit him in the back of the head with the ball. It was totally worth it! Nick thought it was hilarious too!"
Do men ever grow ...up?!?! Who keeps life more interesting, kids or husbands? Never really thought he could keep up with them, but yet he's never been home all the time either. This being unemployed thing is definately a great adventure for right now. lol.See More
2 seconds ago · LikeUnlike.

Monday, October 11, 2010


This isn't written like normal cause I posted this in a homeschooling thread and then just copied it here...

Last week didn't go well due to my son trying to transition to no naps. It was awful. Then on Wednesday my husband lost his job. Our weekends had been Thurs-Sat so we didn't do school the rest of the week. Yesterday I asked hubby to keep our son occupied with school activities while I helped our daughter. He didn't do this at all. Today, same thing. He tried working with DD and just got frustrated. He started threatening to send her to school. Then when I was trying to work with her she started refusing to do anything and would walk away. Once again he starts threatening PS. I tried talking to him about how he shouldn't mention that and he just said "well, her friends go to school so she should too" UGH! That made me SO mad!!! I have felt called to homeschool her since she was like 3 and it's been going great. I feel like he's setting me up for failure. He wasn't homeschooled and doesn't know any homeschoolers so he just doesn't get it...I think when he realized how hurt and upset I was he felt bad. He's gone now and is hoping that I can do work with her while he's gone. Unfortunately I now have to undo all the last weeks damage and it's not gonna be a simple task. She wants to go to school so I think his threatening just made her think that if she keeps this up then she'll get to go to school.

Anyways, I feel like I'm rambling, but I just needed to get this out.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Talk with the kids tonight

Well, our conversation was very enlightening. After 30min of listening it finally came out that she doesn't want a baby. She isn't worried about me having time for 3 kids since I'm home all day and knows I can make time for each one. It's daddy she's worried about. She's concerned that she's gonna lose her daddy time cause he only has enough legs for the two little ones to climb on and that they will take all her wrestling time away. Guess it's time to get back in the habit of having daddy/daughter dates. We used to be really good at that but it's kinda gotten away from us lately. So glad we had our talk and that I now have a direction to go in solving this problem. The last couple weeks have felt like one big downward spiral with her which ultimately brings down Nick's attitude & behavior as well. Hoping that some quality time & talks can turn this situation around fairly quickly!


The last couple weeks Makenzie has been regressing. She doesn't want to do school work, has peed her pants twice, pooped her pants once, isn't sleeping well, and has a major attitude. Everyone is telling me it's probably cause of the baby. She handled the transition of having Nick very well and is very excited about this baby. However, I do agree that this issue is probably due to the new baby coming in a few weeks. Today I told the kids that they have one hour to get their attitudes straightened up and clean their rooms and then I'm going in with trash bags. I feel awful going back on my word cause I know that they need to take me seriously. However, their attitudes are much better. I feel bad enforcing them to clean their room while during that hour I didn't even finish a small corner in mine. Our rooms have been neglected for a long time and none of them are simple to clean at this point. I think that instead we are going to go out for dinner at a drive-thru and then have a talk while in the car. Maybe a talk about the new baby and how it will affect them will help.