Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Awesome Dinner Conversation

At dinner tonight my daughter was eating spaghetti (her favorite food) like she hadn't eaten in weeks. I suggested that she eat like she would if she were on a date (thinking she would just take smaller bites and not slurp her noodles). Well, this conversation got hilarious quite fast...

Mo: Mom, I will just date a boy who eats sloppy.
Bubba: Mo. Boys don't eat sloppy.
Mo: Yes they do.
Bubba: Well, I sure don't.
Mom: Bubba, what would do if you were on a date with a girl eating like Mo is right now?
Bubba: If I were on a date with a girl eating like that then I would just break up with her.

Then the conversation slightly changed. I have no idea how but then it went to marriage.

Bubba: I don't know who I am gonna marry. I still have to decided between two girls. But one is cheating on me. Mom did you know that she is cheating on  me? Well, at least I know about it and I know who the other guy is.
Mo: Yeah, I don't know why, but one day in the bathroom we were talking about it and she told me that she is dating J. So yeah, she is definitely cheating on you cause she told me. We talk about weird things in the bathroom.
Bubba: Yeah, so I guess she will probably marry him. So I think I am will just marry L again. We already got married once so I will just ask her to marry me again. I like her better anyways. 

This conversation continued on for probably a good five minutes. Went into how Bubba doesn't like to kiss on the lips cause it is gross and that he probably won't kiss on the lips till he is married cause it is gross unless it is your mom or your wife.

Do you know how hard it was to keep a straight face throughout this entire conversation? So funny and such a great memory made at the dinner table!

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