Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's day post

Well, today is Mother's Day. Although I didn't get pampered like alot of mom's do, it was still a good day. We went to church, then to my mom's for an hour, then to McD's to play with Haleigh and Gabby. I had a great time hanging out with Scott & April. After that I took the kids to the library and then home. We relaxed and did whatever the rest of the evening and the kids both went to bed at nine. Now I get to enjoy some quiet time and in the morning Raeann is bringing the kids over.

Yesterday it wasn't planned for me to have a mock Mother's day, but that's what it turned out to be. On Friday night I didn't get much sleep and then had to be up at 5am to take Liz and Lilly to the airport. I was exausted by the time I got home. The kids told me that Phil was going to take them to the store to get mother's day gifts for me and my mom. I requested that instead of shopping that they just let me sleep the day away. I never imagined that would work, but it did! I slept till around noon, attempted getting up, just to sleep on the couch till late afternoon. Then we went to Red Robin for my birthday burger and then to a second hand store for some more maternity clothes. I loved that store and will probably do alot more shopping there now that I know about it. They had a better selection of maternity stuff than the regular stores. Plus of course, much better prices! The nice thing is that this store is really picky about what they take, so no matter what the price, you can be sure you are getting an item that isn't stained or ripped. It was nice not to have to look in detail at the items before buying. I got 3 or 4 shirts for myself, one for Nick, two for Mo, and a pair of jean shorts for myself all for $29.43! That was one heck of a deal!!!

Well, the visit with Liz and Lilly went great. I think towards the end they were ready to go home, and my kids were ready to have life back to normal, but that's typical of any visit with anyone. Now we have this week as a break and then Michael arrives. Hoping to get some laundry caught up in the mean time. At least he stays with my mom though, so life here isn't disrupted. I doubt the kids could handle having company 3wks out of 4! I'm really hoping the visit with him goes as well as it did in January. The kids enjoyed him so much more this last time cause he played with them so much. I'm really looking forward to having him here!

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