Wednesday, June 30, 2010

funny messy kids

Yesterday I bought a new thing of sugar. This morning I poured it into the sugar container. Nick must have seen me do it. I was on the computer and as far as I was concerned he was watching cartoons. The sugar container was just about 10ft behind me and I never heard him get it. He poured it on the carpet in the livingroom and played in it like it was a sandbox. He came to me to tell me something and I saw sugar in his hair. When asked how that happened he took me to the mess and jumped in it. So hard to discipline a kid when you are trying not to laugh!! I grabbed the camera and he posed in front of his mess. Then he vaccuumed for about 30min. It was SO funny!!

When Makenzie was almost 3yrs old she did something similiar. She took powdered sugar and poured it on the kitchen floor. When I tried to mop it up it turned into a sticky frosting mess. It was a BAD idea! This was also VERY funny and I video taped it. I would have taken a movie of today as well but the video camera is in the car.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

not a good day

Today has been awful. My hip and pelvic bone has been hurting all day. It hurts to walk. I am completely exausted and slept all morning. Of course the kids took advantage and trashed the pool room. They woke Phil up cause they were nailing something into the wall. He of course was ticked at them and at me for sleeping. I couldn't help it though. I could not stay awake. I am not sleeping good anywhere except the couch. I hit the couch and I am out. Since Phil went to work the kids have done everything bad they can possibly think of it seems like. Asked them to clean the pool room and Makenzie refused to do a single thing. She just stands there and tells Nick what to do. Asked her to clean her room, and same thing. Of course she offered to clean Nick's room and did a wonderful job at that. Then she expected us to let her off with not cleaning her own room. I think not. All day long she has done something other than what we tell her to do and then thinks that since she did something else good that we will not make her do what we have told her to do. Her drawing all over her brother was my last straw. I am so ticked!! However, I will admit that her writing has improved cause NICK was very clear on his shoulder. I took pictures so we can laugh about it later. She's still in huge trouble though. I told her she is in her room for the rest of the night. She's gonna be lucky to get a real dinner. I may just give her toast and milk. My mom is coming to babysit so I can do some shopping though so I don't know if she will let her out or not.

Friday, June 25, 2010


craving citrus, fruits and veggies does not help my heartburn at all!! I hate heartburn. at least in 5 months it will all be over with and I'll have my gift for enduring this heartburn.


Once again it's been awhile since I've written. To be honest, I just haven't felt like writing much. Sorry!

Well, first I guess I should say that we found out a week ago that we are having another girl. It wasn't a shock to me as I have "known" that all along. Was nice to have confirmation though. We have decided to name her Makayla. Still working on a middle name. May possibly be Sharon after Phil's mom who passed away last summer.

Nick and Makenzie have been VERY trying lately and making me exausted. Nick of course is into the terrible two's and Makenzie has developed a HUGE attitude. We are working on both of these things. However, my nausea is back in full force and so I have pratically no patience. Not good when trying to teach the kids to be calm and respectful.

Makenzie had a wonderful 5th birthday!! We went go-carting and bowling on her actual day. At first she was scared of the noise under the go-cart garage. She finally got on with me and we did one session. After that my stomach muscles were killing me. I hadn't planned on going at all, but did just so Makenzie would go. After that she drove the kid sized one. She LOVED it!!! The next day was her party. I think we had 11 kids, not including our two. It was a great time for everyone.

Ever since go-carting and Nick finding out that he wasn't tall enough to drive; he walks around saying "I taller!!" Of course he stands on his tip toes when he says this. We've now told him that he has to be older as well. He's very into height though. He wants to say who is taller than him, and if he stands on a chair he'll say "I taller than Moey". Oh yeah, and now he calls Makenzie Moey, not Mo. It's really cute!

Makenzie does funny things all the time, but today was really funny...As we were driving by the cemetary she asked if we could go visit that pretty place. I asked what she thought was so pretty and she said the flowers and big rocks. Said she's never seen rocks that big except for there. Phil asked if she knew what that place was and her response was "Yeah, it's where they put the dead people." We found it so funny that she knows what goes there and it doesn't bother her. I guess we have given her a good grasp on reality and death. It's just a fact of life to her.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

been awhile...

Well, I haven't written on here in awhile. Part of the reason is cause while Michael was home from Germany, I was pretty busy spending time with him. The other reason is cause I was too upset to write...

While we were in Michigan (which was supposed to be a fun vacation), I had a horrible time. The first night I was supposed to spend the evening with my cousin and others hanging out at the house. That had been the plan for 2wks, but she just up and ditched me. Even though Phil and Michael were supposed to have a guys night out, then inviten Nick and I to come along. We had a great time, especially since it was Nick's first time bowling. He picked up that 8lb ball probably 50 times!

The next day started out good with Alex and I running an errand. Then Phil, mom, michael and I went to the seed store. The evening went very quickly downhill. Dinner wasn't served till 6:20 which is VERY late for my kids. Especially when they hadn't snacked in a few hours. Nick was a complete basket case by the time dinner was on the table. I ended up skipping dinner and taking him out, but he fell asleep right after getting in the car. By the time he was fed and ready to go back into the house, EVERYONE was walking out to get in cars. Within about 45seconds Nick watched everyone, including Phil and Makenzie leave to go bowling. Nick was screaming, and I was crying. I spent a long time trying to get him to bed, and finally ended up driving him around. Once he was asleep, I got him to bed, and laid in bed crying for hours. I wanted to go home so bad!!! It actually crossed my mind to pack up and tell Phil to ride home with my mom the next day. Of course I didn't do that though. After a few hours Phil called. I asked him to bring me dinner. Once he got back, he came up without dinner and said that if I wanted to eat then I needed to go downstairs and socialize while eating. He said that people had been downstairs waiting for me for a couple hours. He didn't understand that I felt like if they wanted to see me, then they would have come up and asked if I wanted to hang out. He basically forced me to come down. I did, but only because I knew that completely not eating wasn't healthy for the baby.

Once downstairs, it was okay till Cassie & Andrew left. Then my mom and Uncle totally attacked me. They were telling me that someone e-mailed them to say that people have a horrible view of Heidi, Alex, and I due to my negativity, gossip and slandering all over facebook. They said that I need to get a life, get off facebook, ect, ect, ect...Some of what they said is a blur, cause they were just going non-stop. I didn't get a chance to say anything really. Michael tried to step in, but since he'd had a few beers, he was told that he was drunk and delidgerant and to go outside. I've seen my brother drunk, and he wasn't drunk at all. Not even tipsy. He has a very high tollerance. He did leave, but only cause he knew that if he didn't then he was probably going to punch something. I knew that's why he left, cause his face was bright red from anger. After he left the lecturing got worse. Fingers were shaken in front of my face, and I was told that I need to get on my knees and pray instead of going on facebook. Then to top it all off my mom started saying that this is part of the reason I have a bad relationship with my sister. That was the end for me. I asked if Heidi had e-mailed her, and when she said no, then I said she has no right to judge my relationship with my sister at all. I ran out of the room bawling. I was devestated by everything. About 20min later my uncle came up to our room and tried to talk to me. He still didn't understand much about my life, or what goes on with Heidi, Alex, and I, but at least he tried for a few minutes. My mom was sorry for how she talked to me, but I don't think she realized how hurt I was. Between talking to Phil and Michael, I was up until 4:30 that morning. I was just too horribly upset to sleep.

On top of that going on, there was also family drama in Oregon. I guess someone said something in a fight that "I" told them. Problem was, I never said it, and didn't even know about what they said I told them. Phil and I both felt though that there was no point in defending me because that person doesn't like me anyways, and therefore wouldn't believe us. Just made Phil feel even more like his family is torn apart. He said that's part of the reason he didn't defend me to my mom and uncle is cause he's too afraid of losing my family as well.

Well, a couple days after coming back from Michigan I deleted about 80 people off my friends list, and made it so very few people can see my profile. I'm sure this made people mad, but at this time I don't know who I can or can't trust. I don't feel like I have very many true friends anymore. That is a really crappy feeling.

Phil did find out that his family member isn't mad anymore, so I feel slightly better about that, but not really over it. It's frustrating to feel like I can't ever talk to someone cause it will just come back to bite me in the butt.