Friday, September 27, 2013


So many thoughts running through my head about life. I know, big surprise right? Been doing that a lot lately.

My life has been so crazy lately. (Yes, I know, I have not kept up on the weekly blog I promised. I haven't had time or energy!) My diet is not on track, my sleep isn't on track, my exercise isn't on track, and it seems I will never get on track with anything. This is exactly what life was like when Mo was a toddler. When I think back to her toddler years, I instantly remember the awful. I didn't know it at the time, but we were raising a child with Sensory Processing Disorder. Everyone told me that I wasn't hard enough on her, that I didn't punish her enough. On occasion when we had to force safety things, I even heard that we were too tough. It takes some deeper thinking or looking at pictures for me to remember all the good times in her toddler years. Bubba's toddler years were wonderful. So many good memories. We had a great time! Now, as we go through Squeeks toddler years, it is like repeating Mo's all over again. Yes, we are now raising our 2nd SPD child. The difference though is this: we KNOW this time. I now know the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown. I have a much better understanding of my daughter's brain and nervous system. I know why she does what she does. I know.

Knowing is huge. Knowing means that it can be different this time.  I don't want to look back and instantly remember the bad. We have 3 kids this time around. I don't want the memories of their childhood to be overtaken with the stressed out life of raising SPD kids.

We have already been on a journey of changing churches, schooling, food, and some activities. It has been a wonderful journey thus far. However, I feel like we have barely seen anyone. I hate feeling secluded, even if I do it to myself. I blame it on my crazy hectic life with an SPD toddler. That excuse is more than valid. Tonight though, as I sat at a life celebration, I was reminded how many people we have known who have passed many years younger than most of us would expect to live. The pastor talked about life being more quality than quantity. I have heard statements like this many times before but it really hit me tonight. My motto lately has been to just survive Squeek's toddler years, one day at a time. Today I even told a new friend that I probably won't have anyone to my house in like a year because I can't seem to ever keep up with cleaning. Like not at all. It has seemed like one step forward, ten steps back. This is not quality!

I want quality. I want my kids to be able to have friends over whenever they want. I want to have my friends over whenever I want. I want to have dinner parties, barbeques, and bonfires. I want good memories with not only our family but with friends.

I don't want the life to be full of bad and stressful moments. I want to embrace my daughter's toddler years. I want to make the best. Tonight they talked about legacy, and how children can be a great legacy to leave behind. I agree. I want to take hold of those legacies and do anything and everything I can to make sure they are great. As a stay at home homeschooling mom, I have felt that God called me to to do this. We have sacrificed a lot for me to stay home because we know this is what God wants. However, at times I get caught up in the stress of it all and forget this. I now have a new drive. My legacy. This is my life's work. They are my legacy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Weeks 2 & 3

Last week seemed to fly by and I never got to post. Last week was great! The kids and I had a really good week. It is amazing how much closer the kids are getting already. I didn't realize that keeping a schedule and separating them for school was keeping them from developing a deep friendship with one another. I used to always tell them "You better learn to get along because your siblings will be your best friends you will ever have". I haven't had to tell them that once in the last week. Instead, I am hearing them say things like "But mom, why do we have to quiet down?! I am just playing with my best friend!" or  sarcastically running into a room saying "Oh, my best friend! I haven't seen you in so long!" As a mom, this makes me so happy. I had felt like I had done everything possible to try and get my kids to have a close relationship. Some days I felt they had this, other days they fought constantly. In the last week, they have gotten along every day. Of course they have little spats here and there, but I think they are finally developing the relationship I have longed for them to have. And to think, all it took was for me to give them a little more freedom.

So you would think that since we went to unschooling, our days would be wide open with not a lot going on, except kids playing. It has been the opposite! We have done more "schooling" than we have in a long time! I love that everything we are currently studying, the kids are engaged, having fun, and retaining what I am teaching them. I love that Kayla is involved in almost every single thing we are doing. At this time, the only thing we do without her is art, which is about 2-3 hours a week. We do this during her nap. She is able to get plenty of other art time with us, but during this separate time, we are learning to sketch.

So, I guess I better to get to writing about my challenges...Week two I did really well on the yelling challenge. Week three, not so good. I yelled at Kayla every day. With the combination of sensory issues and getting into the terrible threes, we are having lots of issues with her. I should know that yelling at her will do no good, but sometimes I just yell before I even realize what I am doing. She is just such a handful right now!

Health challenge - Neither of the last two weeks have been great. Kayla has had me up four hours in the middle of the night quite often. When I am tired, I don't do so well with my diet. I know I shouldn't use excuses but I just don't do well when I am tired. However, I have lost two pounds! I don't know how, maybe it was the few workouts I got in or something. I have no idea.

Well, I am too tired to think of how to wrap up this post, so Goodnight!

Friday, August 16, 2013

God's perfect timing

We are leaving our church.

Ah, the words I have dreaded admitting out loud to the people from our church. The last five years there have been wonderful. The kids and I have made some good friends. The oldest two are just 5 1/2 & 8, so they have had the same friends most their life. I have also taught some wonderful children and enjoyed it very much. However, my husband never quite got connected, for whatever reason. Much of it has had to do with his weird schedules over the years. He just always dealt with the feeling of not fitting in, because he knew how much the kids and I loved it there...

I have been in churches long enough to know that people will talk, speculate, and gossip about why we are leaving. So I will just tell everyone the honest truth here.

Everyone is well aware that we have looked for other churches once or twice in the last 5 years. Each time we felt adamantly that God was telling us to stay put and not change churches. Each time, we were blessed again and again, and affirmed in the decision to follow what God was telling us. Including my husband who still felt like he wasn't fitting in. This summer, like every summer in the past, we attended VBS at another church. But it was different this year. This year Daddy took the kids every night (I went a few times as well). They had refreshments for the parents to sit and fellowship while the kids were in class. After the first night my hubby came home feeling like God had placed us there for a reason. Then he asked me to sit and talk to people with him. These conversations weren't deep conversations but just killing time type conversations. But for whatever reason we just really felt like God was calling us to this church. We decided to visit on a Sunday. There was just one problem. Due to being out of town and having 4H commitments, we wouldn't be able to visit for another three weeks. This also meant that I would have to take more time off of teaching at our current church. I dreaded that and the questions it would bring up. However, when those questions came, my children's director was incredibly understanding of the situation. During those three weeks we prayed a lot about this whole church thing. Before we even went on Sunday, we were pretty sure it would be our new church home, which was almost frightening to us. We felt so strongly that God was telling us that this would be our new church home. That is scary when you have never even heard the preacher preach. So, that Sunday finally comes around and it isn't the main pastor speaking, and the service was not a normal service at all since they were interviewing a new youth pastor. We both came out of church saying "That's it. Doesn't matter. God has confirmed over and over again that this is where we need to be. We don't even care how the normal pastors preaching is because if God is calling us here then we know it will be good." (We have now been another week and heard the head pastor preach.)

So, That's just it. God has told us to and that's all that matters. Anything that has or hasn't happened at our other church in the past doesn't matter. Cause if this move wasn't something God wanted us to do then we wouldn't. God is telling us to make this change in our lives and so we are.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 1

Well, week one of my challenge is over. I feel like it went pretty well. The yelling challenge was the hardest at first. By the end of the week I did go a good 4 days with no yelling. Today I ruined it. I would love to say that in my defense they were back talking and wouldn't stop and so I was forced to yell. However, in reality I probably could have still dealt with it differently. I will get there though. For now, I will celebrate 4 days of no yelling.

My thoughts thus far on the yelling challenge: I didn't mention anything to my husband, but just changed my habits. I assume he read my blog though since he immediately improved as well. The benefits happened immediately. Within a few short hours I noticed my older two talking nicer to each other and having less attitude. This got better and better each and every day. Along with the better attitudes came children who were helpful, thoughtful, and caring. They worked together, played together, and just had a fun week. Oh, I must also remember that I also took away the remotes to the Playstation and Wii. Since we don't have cable this meant that they only had access to a few educational shows and not everything on Netflix and Hulu. Taking away the shows and all the attitude, yelling, and fighting that they watch was also huge in this no yelling effort. I brought the remote back out for the weekend. Things got worse again. So, I have decided that the remotes will be hidden again during the week. I don't know about the weekend yet, but we will definitely have to regulate it more than we did this weekend.

Healthy Challenge: I am finding that it isn't as easy to get into the routine this time around. I don't know why. The cravings are worse than before. I have had a few desserts this week (though they were portion controlled), way too many carbs, and not enough fruits and veggies. I did great on water intake and only had pop once! Now, thoughts on pop.....bad bad stuff!! We took the kids to the movie theater yesterday. Afterwards we picked up Subway and went to the park to eat and play. I forgot to get myself a water and so I ended up drinking some of my hubby's Mt. Dew (maybe 12oz at most). It tasted gross. Thought that since it tasted so bad that it wouldn't set me back, because I wouldn't be craving something that is too sweet for my tastes. Then later on everyone goes to bed. Here I sat till 1:30am wide awake, not even tired at all. I still didn't feel tired when I finally did get in bed. I finally did sleep, but not well. I tossed and turned all night. I had a really hard time getting up this morning. So of course I was then craving caffeine!! Stupid soda makers have us all hooked on caffeine!! It is so addictive! Did I go get a pop? Nope. I grabbed my water bottle and started chugging the water. Thankfully I didn't have any headaches like I had earlier in the week.

So, as I go into week 2 I am hoping to improve some things. I would like to go more than 4 days without yelling. I would like to go the entire week without pop. I would like to eat more fruits and veggies, while cutting back on the desserts.

Thanks to my hubby for encouraging me and going through all this with me. Thanks to my accountability partner who has been with me through the last few months and is still doing this with me. It is so great to have those texts at all times of the day encouraging me, holding me accountable, and sharing the good and bad.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life changes

I am really not a person who likes organization, lists, schedules, or anything of the sort. I like a flexible, fly by the seat of your pants sort of lifestyle. However, since having our 3rd child, I have realized that I can no longer live like that. We NEED organization in order to survive these years.

I have created detailed schedules, detailed chore lists, detailed behavior lists, and a detailed perk system for the kids. A section of our hallway is devoted to these things. When I follow them and make everyone else follow them, life if great. House is clean, people are happy and feel proud of their work, and we even have more fun and spare time! When life gets busy and I don't make us stick to the routine, then everyone is cranky, yells a lot, house is a mess, and so on. I am slowly learning that we can not stray from these lists.

A few months ago I went on an 8 week weight loss healthy challenge. The focus is more on health than actual weight loss. In those 8 weeks of getting healthy I lost 22 pounds! It has almost been another eight weeks since it ended. Wanna know how much I have lost in these last couple months? Four pounds! How crazy is that that once I no longer HAD to keep track, then I just stopped and completely fell off the bandwagon?! I have been drinking pop, eating junk, and not drinking water. I KNOW that I felt incredible when I was drinking a ton of water, and yet I still slid back into my old habits.

Something else that I have noticed is that when I stopped taking care of myself is that I became "mean mom". Though my kids have never called me that, that is how I feel. I am so much more tired now that I stopped eating healthy. Tiredness = Crankiness = a mom who yells way too much. I yell at my kids. I yell at my husband because he is yelling at the kids. It is a vicious cycle. If I am the main provider of the kids and I yell at them during the day, night, weekend; then of course they are gonna be cranky and yell and scream when dad is home and he will get cranky back because all he wants is a fun relaxing time with the family. I can place the blame on so many things but in the end, it boils down to one thing. I have not been using self control. Self control over my eating, sleeping, or exercise habits, as well as my emotions.

So, I have concluded that starting in the morning, I am going back on my healthy challenge. Since 8 weeks obviously wasn't long enough to engrave healthy habits in my brain then I am making it longer. I am making it a 21 week challenge. That will put the end just before the new year. My hope is that by then I will have created new life long habits that I will stick with.

I have also learned about a No yelling challenge. Yeah! Just what I need! With this challenge, if you yell, then you start over. If you have a rage type yell, then you start with -2 days. The goal is to get to 365 days with no yelling. For me right now, that seems IMPOSSIBLE. So, I am setting my goal as this: Go as long as I can without yelling. When I yell and start back over, then I try to make it further than before. My hope is that I will get farther and farther each time. My second home is that as a side effect of me not yelling, my children and husband will stop yelling as well.

So, here goes nothing. I am posting this publicly so that people can ask me how I am doing and help to hold me accountable. I need all the support I can get if I am going to change. If anyone wants walk beside me and do these things with me, then that would be great as well.

Links to the challenges in case anyone is interested:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Spring activities

Wow, can't believe I haven't been on here in a couple months! Life has been so incredibly busy. I am going to attempt to do a quick recap of the last couple months.

I joined a Healthy weight loss competition. It was 8 weeks long and focused more on creating healthy habits than on weight loss. During this 8 weeks I walked/ran over 10 miles, biked around 100 and did many hours of cardio and strength activities. I ended up with a loss of 22 pounds in those 8 weeks. After it was over, I kept in contact with my accountability partner but didn't stick to the "plan" anymore. During the next 3 weeks I drank pop (though not much), ate sweets (also, not anywhere near as much as I had previously) and didn't count calories. I lost 3lb in 3 weeks. How frustrating but also how eye opening! I realized that I really have to stick to this plan of eating healthy, drinking tons of water, working out, and most importantly, not drinking pop. Pop is so highly addictive. When I was off the pop, I didn't crave sweets at all. As soon as I had a single pop, I was craving pop and other sweets like crazy. I also felt constantly tired and depressed. So, I am now back on the plan, staying in daily contact with my accountability partner, and off of pop. Hope to start dropping the weight again!

Baseball: This was Bubba's first year playing t-ball. My how he loved it!! He is so good at baseball and was one of the best on his team. The first few games he got almost every ball the other team hit. He was really focused on the game and wanted to learn as much as he could. Unfortunately his coach had never coached before and he had many teammates that didn't care to play well, or even stay on the field. The coach spent a lot of time just rounding kids back onto the field. These things make it hard for Bubba to learn as much as he would have liked. However, we worked with him as much as we could ourselves, and he hit off the T in our own backyard almost daily. By the end of the season he was consistently hitting his balls into the outfield and did not need a T anymore.

Swimming: This was Mo's 3rd year on the Swim team. She really enjoyed reconnecting with friends from previous years and grew closer to them over the season. She learned many hand clapping games from them. Since we spent so much of the last year with a knee injury and in therapy sessions, her swimming had seen a negative effect. At the beginning of the season she was frustrated and wanted to quit since she wasn't as fast as she thought she would be. After some very hard work though, she became better and faster. She really worked on her form and breathing. Her rotary breathing for freestyle is very good. However, since she is taking a breath every other arm, it slows her down. I am sure that the more she practices she will learn to wait four strokes instead of two. This will help her speed up a lot. She also is trying to perfect the other strokes. She has an adorable little double head bob while doing her breast stroke. It is cause she is focusing so much on the legs and body movement that she doesn't realize what her head is doing. Very cute though! I hope that this year we will be able to work swimming back into our normal routine so that she can practice year round. Not only will this help with her swim times, but it is also great therapy for her.

We also celebrated our 9 year anniversary! We went on a 20 mile bike ride for our date. It was so much fun! However, it proved to be a bit too much for me and I had to cop out at 17 miles. I was so frustrated. It was a good ride and my longest yet, but I felt like my muscles were sluggish to start and I totally blame that on the pop. I am almost positive that if I hadn't been drinking pop that week then I totally could have finished that ride.

Mo also turned eight! My how fast time flies. Of course she was sure to remind me that she is half way to being able to drive a car. She is turning into such a beautiful young girl. She is 4'6" and 73lb! She is very tall for her age. She has many friends that are 9&10 who are the same height or even shorter than her. She wears a size 6 women's shoe already. But like all kids, she can't wait to grow more. She is so bright and full of life (and attitude at times). She loves photography, American girls, playing house, biking, swimming, knitting, and many other things. She is always interested in learning a new craft. She is constantly talking, singing, or doing something to make noise. It can drive us nuts at times but we love that she is so full of life. The other day she decided to write down a song. It was a love song! When she asked dad for help he refused to help her write a love song so she changed it to be a love song about daddy. It was cute. She is definitely going to keep us on our toes for years to come but with a steady amount of training, discipline, and therapy, hopefully she will blossom into a mature young lady with respect for herself and others. I know that God has big things planned for this bundle of energy!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day & my Birthday!

Well, typically we don't have much money for a birthday present for me from my family so they just get something small. This year was different. This year I am in a weightloss healthy challenge. I am trying to lose weight and get healthy. My husband decided that he would get me a new bike for my birthday, but give it to me a couple weeks early to help with my workouts. I LOVE my new bike! It is geared so much differently and has a much more comfortable seat. I love to take long rides on it. I currently can do about seven miles in 45 minutes. I hope to one day be able to much more than that without having to stop and rest. This is a great start though!

Since I got my bike early, I didn't have anything to open on my birthday/Mother's day. A child did hand me a water bottle cage (for my bike) but it ended up being the wrong color. I hated to tell them but it was the only thing left that I wanted and they had driven to four stores to find what they thought was the right one. When they asked if it was the right one they could just tell from the look on my face. I felt bad cause they had tried but on the other hand I felt jealous. Jealous of all the mom's on Facebook. Jealous that they all were posting these pictures of cards, flowers, and presents they were given. Jealous that their husbands and kids were pampering them by giving them a day off. I didn't get any of that. Here I was struggling to get kids ready for church, a house cleaned and dinner ready for my mom to come over for her Mother's day dinner. I was working my butt off while reading how wonderful all these mother's felt being spoiled. I also was getting texts from a cousin stressing about having dinner at her home. This just added to my jealousy. Why is she complaining? She doesn't have kids. She doesn't have a 2yr old's messes to clean up. I was so frustrated. Here is was not only Mother's Day, but my birthday as well. Feeling sick didn't help at all either...In the end, I realized that I shouldn't be jealous. I shouldn't even bother to get on Facebook and risk having those jealous feelings. It doesn't matter what these other people got. Before the internet, people never shared all those things, and people didn't care what other's got. So why should I care now? I knew going into marriage that my husband wasn't a very romantic person. I knew that he gets me practical things because he knows I am a practical person. While I am a girl and would love to be spoiled with frivolous things every now and then, it really isn't something that I want very often. So for future, I think I will just stay away from Facebook on holidays because if I don't see things then I won't feel jealous.

Now, though my actual birthday I felt sick, tired, jealous, and frustrated, the two days prior were the exact opposite. Friday we had a great day at home. The kids were wonderful, got along, helped with chores, and did school great. In the afternoon we took them to gym and art class. While they were there I went and spent time with my Grandfather, and Skyped with my brother. That was very special for my Grandfather since he really misses my brother. After we picked the kids back up from their class, we went and got Ellie (a friend's teenager). We had a great evening with the kids, and I stayed up late talking with Ellie. The next day we got up, and had to be at the ball field for Bubba's baseball game. It was only 44 degrees and so Ellie stayed home with the girls. It was great to be able to watch the game just us without having to chase after a 2yr old or hear Mo complain about how boring it was. When we got back we got some things done around the house, and then everyone except Squeeks and myself went out shopping (for that one present they planned to get me). Squeeks took a nap and I layed around since I didn't feel well. When they all got back, Ellie told us to go out for my birthday date. We went out to dinner, ran errands, went for dessert, and then a drive. It was wonderful to get out for a few hours and not worry about kids. They all had gotten along perfect all day and we knew that they were fine at home.

I was feeling so incredibly blessed on Saturday. Blessed that we have three beautiful children. Blessed that even though we may have rough days, we also have many many great days. Blessed that my children love to spend time together and are great friends. Blessed that I have a husband that loves to spend time with his kids, teach them new things and skills, and cuddle with them. Blessed that we also have a fourth child that while not our own, chooses to call us mom and dad. Who comes to our home to spend time with us and our children cause she loves us as her own family. Bless to be a mentor to her, an open ear/shoulder for her, and to have an extra sibling for our children. We have gone through some big fights with her and our children in the past, especially our oldest. To see their relationship go from fighting, bickering and complaining, to finding common ground, talking about things, crafting together and playing together is such a beautiful thing. I am so glad that they have this loving sibling relationship now. I feel so blessed to have these four beautiful children in our lives and to call us mom & dad.

I didn't really have a plan to wrap this post up so I guess it is this...While the world tells us to celebrate on certain days and to make people feel special on certain days, that is not always necessary or work out right. My family had no intentions of making my birthday a rough one, nor did my friend's on Facebook. It was just a normal day that got lost in the happenings of life. It is almost more special and beautiful when things happen the way they did the two days prior. When life becomes beautiful and special just happening on their own, that's when you know true happiness. I don't need a card or flowers to tell me that I have a beautiful family who loves me.

Oh, and I almost forgot. In the end, we did pull off a great lunch for my mom. We had a great time talking, eating, and hanging out for awhile. We hadn't done that in awhile and it was even better to do it in the comfort of our own home where we didn't have to worry about kids messes, restruants, or getting into things. It was just a wonderful relaxing time.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

One of THOSE days

It is only 11:30am and already it has been a long day. It is one of THOSE days. For those trying to understand what the sensory issues are in our household, let me give you a picture of what a day like this consists of.

Anything and everything can set the 7yr old off into a crying frenzy. You never know what will set her off and how to stop it. Sometimes she just needs to get it out before life can move on. This could be the simplest thing like not letting her get a chicken out, not getting the correct yogurt or simply turning off the tv. Most days these things are not a big issue but on a day like today it is a major issue. It can set her off crying for upwards of 5-10 minutes. That has been how this morning was for Mo. I can already tell that due to the uncontrollable emotions this morning that homeschooling will be extremely hard today and we will be lucky if we even get two subjects done.

Today the 2yr old has her emotions in check. It is a good day emotionally for her. However, her proprioceptive disorder is in high gear today. She is needing to touch everything and taste everything. All morning long I have chased her around the house getting her out of things and cleaning up her messes. Some could think this is normal 2yr old behavior, but it's not. It is more than that. Most two years olds make messes just to make messes. For Squeeks it is the intense NEED to feel everything, every texture, and taste every object. So far today it has mostly been food, paper and crayon related. Other days it is soap, cleaners, licking the floor and walls, and just about every other thing that could make her sick. Although today is rough, I am thankful it isn't anything that will harm her.

So, What does a day like this mean for the parent? It means that anything that I wanted to accomplish will not get done most likely. It means that my day will be solely focused on meeting sensory and emotional needs. This is so important because if their needs are not met then things will get worse. Tears will turn into anger and uncontrolled temper. Messes will become larger and 2yr old tantrums will start. As I type this I have 3 kids playing outside in "clean mud" (a combination of baking soda and enough water to made it into a moldable mud.) Why? This is extra sensory input. It feels good to them, gives them something to focus on and tells their brain to calm down. After this we should have a good hour or two. After lunch the 2yr old may or may not nap....

Well, now as I write this, the 2yr old has dumped her clean mud into the grass and is mad she can't pick it back up. It looks like this was the wrong input for today. Now we will be loading up and heading to the park. Why? Not to play but to hang on the bars, to climb the steps to the slide, to do all the things that give extra sensory input and tells her brain that this activity should wear her out and calm her down. On a bad day like today, there is nothing else that will work. Well, except swimming, that is the one exception.

As you can see from my last paragraph, I never know when and how my day will change. While I would love to control these things, some days it is not possible. Days like these I just pray to keep up a bit and remind myself that tomorrow is a new day. Today is today, do not worry about the house, worry about keeping the kids happy, healthy, fed, and well kept. Other things can wait. Even the therapists has informed me that at this age it is more important to learn to deal with the sensory disorder than to do school. SO, we do school on the good days, what we can on the bad days, and in the end, I know that my girl is not behind her peers and is well on her way to a good education. Hopefully between therapy and the things I do at home, she will also become a well rounded individual who knows how to control her lifelong disorder.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring, or wait, is it winter?

In the last 24hrs we have gotten 11 inches of snow. It's supposed to be spring! We are all so sick of snow that even the kids had no interest in playing in it. Finally around 5pm when they were bored they decided to go out. I gave them colored water to spray on the snow and that made it a little more fun since they had not done that before. Thank goodness I had Jello though cause I couldn't find my food coloring. We went through all four boxes that I had. I was so happy that they had fun and finally got outside. It is such a great sensory time playing in the snow. Squeeks had quite a great time eating jello snow cones!

Tonight at 6pm my son asked me to make a new recipe for dinner (if you know my son, you know this is HUGE). Well, with such short notice I decided on pizza grilled cheese. Even though it was such a simple meal he turned it down after one bite as he does with all new meals. By the time I was done making them all he decided to try another bite of a different sandwich then exclaimed "This one is really good! Not like the other one!" He ate the entire thing!!! Maybe he is finally willing to start trying new foods again!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I hate coming up with titles...Not my thing!

Tonight was the 2nd night that Squeeks didn't go to bed till around 11pm. I really hope that she isn't up at 5am again! I have no clue why she is staying up and sleeping so little. Our kids have always been 12hr a day sleepers. Today I refused to give her a nap in hopes that she will sleep all night long. I really need some sleep myself!! Us both being tired is a recipe for disaster. I can't do many more days like that.

Well, Squeeks has been wearing a weighted vest and we have been doing the brushing therapy for a few days now. Already we have noticed a decrease in things being licked or put into her mouth, including the binky. She even has fallen asleep without a binky! Can't believe we are seeing improvement already. The vest seems to help her stay a bit calmer as well. However it isn't practical to wear all the time, especially when we are out and about. She does seem to like it though and it does help. I think I am going to attempt to make one. We'll see how that goes!!

Other two kids are doing great. Bubba is starting 1st grade math and finishing up kindergarten Language Arts. He is signed up for T-Ball but they have yet to call and let me know when practice and stuff will start. Excited to see how he likes baseball. Yesterday he built his first model of a Star Wars X Plane/Spaceship. He did it almost completely by himself and loved every minute of it. It is so much fun to watch him grow and take more interest in boy type things. He has been stuck playing with his sister and other girls his whole life so it's great to watch him become his own person with different interests.

Mo is doing good. Her reading and writing are progressing very well now that they are doing school on the computer. I love how well their program works with her vision disorder!! Especially since I am so busy with Kayla right now this online schooling is a wonderful fit for us at this time. Mo's Physical Therapy is also going well. I think that after her next evaluation we will probably decrease her appointments. So glad that her shoe inserts are helping and that her injury is healing! We have been on a 3wk break from OT so that we could switch to a therapist we feel works better with Mo. This was Mo's request which surprised me because she really liked the other therapist but I am glad she stands up for what she knows she needs. So now both girls will be seeing the same therapist for OT (once Squeeks is approved for ongoing therapy). I am excited about that cause I feel this is the best therapist for us. She is so full of knowledge and helps me understand things very well. I hope that one day I can get the hubby to go to an appointment and see for himself what I have been trying to explain. I think that will help him a lot, but until we can make it work with his work & school schedule he will just have to take my word and try to help the girls from that. He has been doing good on many things but he still has a hard time even understanding what this disorder is all about.

Well, I feel like I am just logging information with no end in sight cause I am just so tired that I am watching my fingers move, but not really thinking. I hope this isn't all over the place and actually flows/makes sense! I need to get myself to bed!!! Goodnight!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

busy day!

Went in to get Kayla out of her room. Found her snuggled in Mo's arms grinning ear to ear. Mo sleepily (possibly sleep talking) said "She has a pen and wrote on your palm" Well, Kayla did have a pen and was writing on her palms. She also had strewn Barbies all over the room, taken off her pj's and put on a shirt of Mo's.

Sensory Processing Disorders

A few months ago Mo was diagnosed with a knee injury and a vision disorder. Due to the physical therapy for the knee, we found out about Occupational Therapy. While the therapist isn't able to help us with her particular vision/neurological disorder, she did immediately notice that Mo has a Sensory Processing Disorder. I don't remember if I have blogged about this or not, so I will shorten what happened. While we waited for insurance to approve the therapy, I read a book and handouts the therapist gave me. Just by implimenting some things that I read, Mo went from sleep walking 3-6x a night to once a week. She went from screaming 2-5x a night to not at all! So, fast forward a few months to now. She is still on the path to getting things under control. We still have some issues during the day but not nearly as many.

After learning about sensory disorders, I was positive that Squeeks has it as well. I tried just adding some sensory things into our home and into her daily life. While these things helped Mo, it did not seem to help Squeeks. I finally got to a point where I was overwhelmed with her and talked to the therapist. She said that we should not wait any longer and come in for an exam. At the exam I found out that things were much worse than I could have imagined. The therapist sent us home with a weighted vest and a brush. The weighted vest is to give Squeeks pressure which her body seeks, as well as the added weight to make her work harder which will tell her body that she should be more tired. The brush is for us to lightly brush her skin with which stimulates the nerves to tell them how to work properly, but it must also be followed up with joint compressions so that the nerves will calm back down after being stimulated.

While Mo is only going to OT every other week, Squeeks will need to be seen every week if we can work it into our/ the therapists schedule. We have so many things to work on with her. Her core stability is really weak. I had no idea! I also didn't realize that this could be part of why her mouth is always open and why she doesn't like to chew her food. We also will work on her constant oral fixation and need for something in her mouth and for licking things. She has issues with clothing and things as well. These things are why we are doing the "Brushing Technique". We also will be addressing the attention span, control over voice, sitting properly (no "W" sitting), and doing lots of heavy work. We have a long road ahead of us where she is concerned but I am so happy to be receiving help this time around! You see, Mo was a tiring toddler as well. I thought she just had a very strong willed and energetic personality. I had no clue that she had a disorder which caused her to act the way she was. While raising a 2nd toddler with SPD is still tiring, it is so comforting to now know that there is help and that there is a true reason for my child to act out and that it's not just cause she is misbehaving.

 Not many people understand what I am going through. It's frustrating to not have many people to talk to about this who understand. My own husband doesn't even understand it yet. There are so many days where I just want to vent but yet I can't because no one understands. There are so many days that I want to scream for joy in the accomplishments that are huge for our family, even though they wouldn't be to another family.

Today for example, Squeeks was licking the toilet bowl brush and a step stool that she had splashed water all over from the toilet cleaning attempt. Even though I am sure it tasted nasty, I literally had to pull her off the stood and out of the bathroom. This behavior wasn't to be bad. In fact she thought she was being helpful to clean the toilet. It's not her fault that those brush bristles have a funny texture that she likes to feel with her mouth.  And the step stool, well of course that wet cold water is a great sensation and the grating texture on the stood is quite nice too! This was a frustrating time in my day. I had integrated many sensory things into the day and yet it still wasn't enough, she went and sought out more. I felt awful that she was licking something that had been in the toilet. Imagine all the germs!!! AHH!!! But alas, there is nothing I could do but brush her teeth, try to explain it is gross and not to do it, and then remove her from the bathroom and attempt to get her onto some other activity.

This was just one tiny part of my day, and let me tell you, "events" like this happen at least a few times a day. It's tiring, and frustrating. But oh the smiles of a happy sensory child covered in shaving cream this morning was worth the rest of the exhausting day. It makes me happy to see her when her sensory needs are being met in a controlled environment. I love knowing that I CAN do this. I have done it before and I can do it again, and this time will be easier and more fun because I actually know what I am dealing with. Last time I did it blindly, following my gut for 7 years before I had a name to go with what I already knew to be true. Now instead of guessing as to how to treat these behaviors, I know what I should do.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Moving Craziness

So today Mo asked me to check her hair tonight after her shower cause she thinks she has lice. Well, what she failed to mention was that over the last few days since mom has been so busy, she thought she would stop brushing her hair cause it is the only way to get that poofy wavy hair that most her friends have. So um, no case of lice here, just a major case of tangles that took me an HOUR to get out. Hair is now in pinwheels in hopes of poofy wavy hair tomorrow. Crazy kid!

So for that last 3wks we have been moving. This has been an extremely long process with little help. Today we turned in the keys to the old place. I was so happy to do so! The mobile home served as a good home for us for 4 years but I am so happy to be out of there. While it was home cause that's where we were together as a family, it never felt like a true home. We didn't have a good yard to send the kids out to play in and didn't have a garage (which for a mechanic is very tough). The walls were so thin that we couldn't hang shelves or anything else big. Now, the new house is an older style with thick walls, cast iron tub and a good layout. It is much smaller than the mobile home but so far I am loving it. The mobile home was so open and had so much floor space for the kids to mess up. There were so many counters in the kitchen that we would pile stuff on them. I would spend 4-5 hours a day cleaning just to have the house still be trashed. The new home has about half the kitchen space and the table is in that area as well since we no longer have a dining room. No counters to clutter up! The laundry is in a closet off the kitchen, so no laundry room to clutter up either. The pool table is now in half of the garage so no pool table to lay laundry on. Yeah! Maybe we can actually start playing pool! Kids bedrooms are a bit smaller than before which with the girls sharing they don't like that but it is much easier to clean. Our bedroom is MUCH smaller since the old master suite was over 400sqft. While we did have to cram in a lot of furniture, it did all fit and we still have enough room to comfortably walk around. Once again, much less of an area to clutter and have to clean. So far I am only spending 2-3hrs a day with my cleaning duties and that includes the laundry. A much more manageable cleaning schedule! Our backyard is huge. It is so nice to just be able to send the kids outside to play. It has been fairly muddy out since it is still wintry weather so they haven't been able to play too much but they are enjoying it on the days it is nice enough to play. I am slowly working on building a obstacle course around the outside of the yard. So far I have a rocking donkey, small trampoline and slide. I hope to add a balance beam, hopscotch (or another jumping game) and maybe a couple swings. We also are setting up a chalk board and a sensory table. Even with all these things in the yard, there is still room for riding bikes, a garden, fire pit, table & Chairs, and grill. I don't know for sure but I think this yard is at least 1/2 acre. Drastic change from the yard we had before. I am so excited for this summer and all the things we can do in the yard! One thing on the list to do is put up the tent and camp. The kids think that will be so fun to do.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Star Wars

Tonight Bubba sang/hummed the Star Wars theme song to put Mo's baby doll to sleep. I never heard one complaint out of Mo over it. It was so adorable! Bet you now know what his favorite movies are :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two year olds...

Today is just one of those days....The kind where a $6 small bag of Gluten Free pretzels gets dumped, the kind where a glass gets shattered all over the floor...What next? Praying for naptime!! I can't wait for this stage to pass. If Kayla is awake, there is nothing else getting accomplished but watching and caring for her. Oh and she has made known that she prefers to be called Kaylie or Baby. lol.

On a brighter note, we have been house hunting. Today we are looking at a good prospect. They approve the application before even showing the house so we know that end is good. It's just up to if we like the house and if they will wait a couple weeks to get closer to our lease being up.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Awesome Dinner Conversation

At dinner tonight my daughter was eating spaghetti (her favorite food) like she hadn't eaten in weeks. I suggested that she eat like she would if she were on a date (thinking she would just take smaller bites and not slurp her noodles). Well, this conversation got hilarious quite fast...

Mo: Mom, I will just date a boy who eats sloppy.
Bubba: Mo. Boys don't eat sloppy.
Mo: Yes they do.
Bubba: Well, I sure don't.
Mom: Bubba, what would do if you were on a date with a girl eating like Mo is right now?
Bubba: If I were on a date with a girl eating like that then I would just break up with her.

Then the conversation slightly changed. I have no idea how but then it went to marriage.

Bubba: I don't know who I am gonna marry. I still have to decided between two girls. But one is cheating on me. Mom did you know that she is cheating on  me? Well, at least I know about it and I know who the other guy is.
Mo: Yeah, I don't know why, but one day in the bathroom we were talking about it and she told me that she is dating J. So yeah, she is definitely cheating on you cause she told me. We talk about weird things in the bathroom.
Bubba: Yeah, so I guess she will probably marry him. So I think I am will just marry L again. We already got married once so I will just ask her to marry me again. I like her better anyways. 

This conversation continued on for probably a good five minutes. Went into how Bubba doesn't like to kiss on the lips cause it is gross and that he probably won't kiss on the lips till he is married cause it is gross unless it is your mom or your wife.

Do you know how hard it was to keep a straight face throughout this entire conversation? So funny and such a great memory made at the dinner table!